BRUTAL BUT THE TRUTH {BY- ALINA SADH} “WOMEN, THEY HAVE MINDS, AND THEY HAVE SOULS, AS WELL AS JUST HEARTS. AND THEY’VE GOT AMBITION,AND THEY’VE GOT TALENT, AS WELL AS JUST BEAUTY.AND I’M SO SICK OF PEOPLE SAYING THAT LOVE IS JUST ALL A WOMAN IS FIT FOR.” The talk {fight} about seeking equality for women has been on the rise since past century globally. And it’s the battle still not conquered. Yet, in vast country like India it came in limelight only few decades ago, in form of feminism. People are still struggling to give equal status to females, they are still not over “HOW CAN THEY FUNCTION BELOW A WOMEN”. Generally people here have build a mindset that women don’t belong to stand equally, they belong to the kitchen pampering their families and raising children. We may try to showcase how much of equality we are providing women in higher society, even so when it comes to marria...